Thursday, September 21, 2017

   "Flow #16" - 12x12 acrylic, silver enamel on wood panel. CNG 2017

                    "Small Inks" 5x5 - ink, acrylic on wood panel. CNG 2017
         "INK 3" - 27x40 acrylic, ink and gold enamel on board. CNG 2017
           SOLD "TWINS" - 16x20 (each) acrylic, ink on canvas . CNG2017

My solo show 2017
    From my Instagram @cngster_art.  So fun working on a beautiful house and filling it with art work. I love to work with stagers - they are the miracle workers of Home Design!

A look into my latest collaboration with Debra Yau and Perez Contruction.  I contibute to the staging by adding my orginal art work to the Piedmont House.  The reception was fantastic, lots of people really liked having art work that was made to work within the home, but still had my artistic aesthetics.

I also had a personal solo show in the back, with more original art works that included paintings, my new series, INKWORKS and prints and notecards of my latest works.

For commissions or posted art, message me here or You can also follow me on Instagram @cngster_art.
